Physiotherapy Clinic of India

Neck pain - Most common conditions\ diseases which have primary symptom of pain are Sponylitis, Trapezitis, Disc Prolapse, Postural defects (Upper Cross Syndrome). Neck is the most common reported pain in today’s world. Neck pain Physiotherapy is a modern science helping patients identify and treat them at early stages thus, preventing surgeries also.
Back pain- In our world full of busy schedule we often miss out a call from our back. We help you maximise your output and save your time through your pain at the back. Back pain conditions such as slipped disc , Post fracture, post surgery, muscle pull are easily treated with the help of Physiotherapy. We provide all the Morden advanced treatment options like dry needling, chiropractic / HVAT, manipulations, Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation.

Knee Pain-In the quest of being fit everyone is trying one or the other fitness exercise like running, squatting gyming etc which leads to various conditions like runner’s knee, chondromalacia patellae, osteoarthritis of knee joint.
various exercises and manipulation guided by our expert may lead to early recovery

Our Mission

Gifting everyone a healthy and disease free life is our motto for all.

Our Values

We strive to go above and beyond for our patients no matter what. We aim to deliver our very best work every single day across our services.

“Ive been living a pain free life and completely satisfied from the quality treatment of PCI.”

Emily Davis